25 Best Day Hikes within 10 miles of Burlington, Vermont

Day hikes in Northern Vermont have become a way of life in a pandemic. Social distancing is important in the time of COVID-19 but there are only so many Zoom calls I can do. For me, being outside in responsible ways has been my salvation. As a result, I’ve been hiking daily to a different area near Burlington, Vermont. Please enjoy a sampling of my pandemic outdoor adventures.

Posts may contain links to products and services I love. I may make a small commission from them, at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting my blog.

My hiking rules:

Day hikes must be within 10 miles of Burlington, Vermont.

Hikes must be totally self-contained. That means not visiting stores or towns near the hiking destinations.  No quick stops are allowed, even if I’ve used up the last of the butter at home and I desperately need to make banana bread.

If there are more than 10 cars in the parking lot, I seek a different place to hike.

If I meet other hikers on the trail, I pass with at least 6 feet distance. I wear my mask at busy junctures or trailheads.

I try to hike at less popular destinations and times.

Day Hikes in Northern Vermont

These twenty five hikes I’ve done since isolation began are sorted by areas. I show highlights and a few key points about each hike. More detailed information, maps, and directions can be found on the links embedded in each hike description. Many of these hikes are short–an hour or two. Just enough time out before you need to get back for your next Zoom call.

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25 Day Hikes in Northern Vermont

Day Hikes in Northern Vermont: The Winooski River

Hikes near the Winooski River

The Intervale

Pileated woodpecker in the Intervale

The Intervale is the crown jewel farming area of the city of Burlington. A hike here wanders through the woods and fields of the floodplain. Birds are plentiful. I watched a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers call back and forth on a recent visit.

The rich alluvial soils left after the last glacier support organic farms in the Intervale. In the winter, the trails are groomed for cross country skiing.

Ethan Allen Homestead

Besides having a great museum, the Ethan Allen Homestead has about 4 miles of trails for day hikes. The elevated boardwalk across the marsh offers a novel look at swamp life. The walk from here to the Intervale is a great way to extend your hike. Also, if you walk north along the bike trail and over the pedestrian bridge crossing Rt. 127, you can enjoy Ethan Allen Park. Linking all these parks by hiking or biking is an enjoyable day.

There is also a canoe launch on the Winooski here if you want to wheel your boat a quarter mile on the canoe carriers provided by the park.

Muddy Brook Nature Trail

Muddy Brook is another hike along the Winooski River. However, just when you are thinking it’s another Intervale, you see the flashing white water of the river. The river runs fast and clear here unlike the sleepy brown current further downstream. The riverside trail travels past some enormous trees— cottonwoods, oaks, and silver maples. Unlike the surrounding area, these giant trees were left to grow towering while others were cut.

Muddy Brook
Muddy Brook

The river view spur trail is out and back, stopping at a clear brook emptying into the Winooski. However, with all the on-line yoga courses I’ve done in the last month, I used my newfound balance to tightrope walk across a log bridging the stream. From there, the trail continues to a peaceful rock outcropping perched above the river. Great place for lunch.

Thanks for the tree pose

Derway Island and Derway Cove

Derway Island lies in the northernmost part of Burlington on the Winooski River. I have written more extensively about this hike in a previous post so visit Outdoor Pocket Adventures near Burlington, Vermont.

During my most recent visit, a beaver decided to entertain me. I think the beaver thought I was too close so was warning me about social distance. See what you think.

Derway Cove is the newest park run by Winooski Valley Regional Parks. Although it doesn’t have a trail system yet, it’s a great place to fish and launch a self-propelled boat. Birdwatching is amazing too. Recently, I saw a beautiful pair of hooded mergansers–a more uncommon bird in these parts.

For both areas, park off North Avenue past the sewage plant in Burlington.

Delta Park

You will want to bring binoculars when you visit Delta Park. Birds, birds, birds. The park is a major flyway stop for birds traveling the shoreline of Lake Champlain. There’s a sand beach to perch on to enjoy the views across Lake Champlain to the Adirondacks. Depending on the season don’t be surprised to see a bald eagle, colorful warblers, herons, and Canada geese with their heads underwater.

Parking is at Airport Park in Colchester.

A word about bird watching

Outdoor Pro Tip: To really enjoy the beauty of birds, get yourself a good pair of binoculars and a trusty bird book. You don’t have to spend a fortune when starting out. I recommend Celestron binoculars. They have incredible optics at a reasonable price. I use my Celestron Outland 10×42 binocs for bird feeder and window birdwatching. For the field, I take along my Celestron Nature binoculars. My recommended bird book is the Peterson Guide to Birds of North America. This classic guidebook, continually updated, has accompanied me for 50-plus years.

Memorial Park

Memorial Park in Winooski is the shy sister of the popular Interval. It is located directly across the river from the busy hiking trails of the Interval. Yet, when I was there, I had the place to myself. The network of trails traverses an upland forest and along the Winooski. The well worn trails would be excellent for running too.

There is life in these woods

Macrae Farm Park

Macrae Farm Park has hiking trails through the meadows and flood plain of the Winooski River. The highlight of my visit to this park was the enormous ancient silver maple clinging to the banks of the Winooski. Trails can be a little wet in the spring so wear your mud boots.

day hikes in Northern Vermont-big tree
Tree hugging at Macrae Farm Park

There is a trail up the hill on the property with great views of Camel’s Hump and Mt. Mansfield. However, the hike up is a bizarre climb along indistinct trails marked by broken beer bottles and bones of dead animals to a tick infested summit. I’ve christened this park, “Macabre Farm”. But if you stick to the lower loops, they are all quite lovely.

day hikes in Northern Vermont-Macrae Farm viewpoint
View of Camel’s Hump from Macrae Farm hill

Parking is at the end of Macrae Road in Colchester.

Woodside Natural Area and Essex Overlook

The mile long Woodside Loop starts out on wide lawn-like trails and continues along the river. Then the trail winds through the woods overlooking the cattail marsh in the center of the property. It then descends steeply on stairs for a walk through the ferns. I was there when the first wildflowers were emerging. Trout lily leaves and bloodroot flowers were abundant. The speckled pattern of the trout lilies is reminiscent of a brown or brook trout.

Trout lily-early spring flower

Essex Overlook is a turn-off before Woodside Park. It’s not a hiking area but has picnic tables, huge black locust trees, and glimpses of the skyline from Bolton Mountain to Camel’s Hump.

Casavant Nature Area

I thought Casavant Nature Area would be another floodplain ramble amid the newly sprouting ferns and wildflowers. But, besides the new spring growth, I saw fantastic views of the power of the Winooski as it rushed to Lake Champlain.

day hikes in Northern Vermont-
Wild Winooski

Being a city park, I stumbled on surprises such as artistic graffiti and a stairway to heaven. As much as I love a natural environment, the bridge abutment art was fabulous as well as the clever stairs made out of tires.

Stairway to heaven

Day Hikes in Northern Vermont: Shelburne

LaPlatte Nature Park

The LaPlatte Nature Park in Shelburne is a beautiful hike with a touch of whimsy. There is a troll bridge across the LaPlatte River. If you are lucky, the whiskered troll perched in a nearby tree will let you pass.

day hikes in Northern Vermont-troll bridge
Troll bridge with troll in the tree guarding it

When hiking here, you need to be nice so you are not gobbled up by the troll.

Tree troll

The trails in this Northern Vermont hike include wanders along the river and a climb up near a gorgeous band of cliffs. The upland trails wind through a unique mixed hardwood Vermont forest with two species of hickory in the stand.

Parking for this hike is behind the Shelburne Market on Falls Road.

Shelburne Bay Park

I visited Shelburne Bay Park during a rainy blustery spring day. It was an excellent place to watch the fury of Lake Champlain. The trail system skirts the lake with occasional viewpoints. Two recreation trails, the Shelburne Recreational Path and the Ti-Haul Trail, adjoin this park to make a splendid day of hiking.

I’m sure on calm, sunny days the view is of streaking sailboats, nearby islands, and distant Adirondack mountain peaks. But, the park is worth a day hike in any weather.

day hikes in Northern Vermont-Shelburne Bay
Shelburne Bay Park

Day Hikes in Northern Vermont: Colchester

Niquette Bay State Park

Ok, I cheated a little on this one. It’s 13 miles from Burlington. But it was really worth it.

Niquette Bay State Park is a hidden gem tucked away on Malletts Bay in Colchester. Surely, you will want to visit the sandy beach when you hike in this state park. But there are also some incredible vistas on the Island View loop trail. The striking view of Mt. Mansfield on one side of the loop is matched in beauty by a glimpse of the Lake Champlain islands on the other side. Calm Cove has gorgeous ledges on the lake surrounded by sheer limestone cliffs.

I was able to hike all the trails on a day trip. It’s highly recommended as each trail provides a different perspective on this magnificent state park.

Sunny Hollow

Sunny Hollow trails are designed for mountain biking but are great for hiking as well. Because mountain bike traffic smooths out the trails, the walking is great for those who might be need surer footing. Just take care to share the trail and step aside when a biker speeds through.

day hikes in Northern Vermont-Sunny hollow trail
Smooth trails for better accessibility

If you look at a topo map of Sunny Hollow the terrain looks like a person’s hand. Long thin ridges make up the fingers of the hand with old river valleys cutting between. Well marked trails loop around, traveling along the ridges and crossing swamp areas with lots of beaver activity.

Day Hikes in Northern Vermont-beaver meadow
Beaver meadow

Colchester Pond

Colchester Pond has a 3 mile trail circling the lake. The up and down through mossy forest and bridged wetlands is a wonderful day hike. There is a boat launch for canoeists and kayakers. Like Delta Park, Colchester Pond is designated an Important Birding Area. Therefore, try birdwatching for water species as well as songbirds. Fishing is great too.

day hikes in Northern Vermont-Colchester pond

Day Hikes in Northern Vermont: Burlington

Day hikes in Northern Vermont are plentiful within the city boundaries of Burlington. This sampling of areas to visit offer some respite from the hustle and bustle.

Burlington Bike Path

The Burlington Bike Path can be a very busy place on a nice weather day. The trick to a more secluded bike path experience is to go at sunset. The crowds have thinned and the view across the lake to the Adirondacks is unparallelled when the sun sinks. My favorite place to view the show is from the Winooski Bike Bridge. Park at Airport Park then walk the bike path to the bridge.

As Charlie at Auer Family Boathouse says, “The sunset really starts after the sun goes down”. He’s referring to the glorious colors left in the sky and Lake Champlain after the sun departs. Read more about Charlie here.

Across Lake Champlain to the Adirondacks

Ethan Allen Park

day hikes in Northern Vermont-Ethan Allen Park
View from Ethan Allen Park

This park can get busy as it’s located right off North Avenue in Burlington. Ethan Allen Park has 4 miles of trails used by hikers and bikers. Even though the tower is currently closed, the view from the cliffs there and the pavilion offer a striking panorama of Lake Champlain.

The bike bridge across Route 127 links it to a bike path leading to the Ethan Allen Homestead.

Donahue Sea Caves

The Donahue Sea Caves area is best visited in the winter. In fact, it’s the only time you will be able to see the actual cave as you must cross the ice on the frozen pond to get to the entrance. Other times of the year, it is a pleasant downhill hike to the landlocked lake that used to be the site of the prehistoric sea. Parking is at Burlington High School across from the trailhead entrance.

Day Hikes in Northern Vermont-Donahue Sea Caves
Donahue Sea Caves frozen fountain

Centennial Woods

Adjacent to the campus of the University of Vermont, this day hike in Centennial Woods is an easy break from campus activity. Trails wind around the 65 acre property running over rocky ledges and bridged marshland. I hiked there after a light snow and the hemlocks were beautifully burdened with the white stuff. Don’t be surprised to see UVM students practicing for their next dendrology exam in the forest.

Parking is at the end of Catamount Drive.

day hikes in Northern Vermont-Centennial Woods

Oakledge Park

Oakledge Park is a Burlington city park south of town. The Burlington bike path starts here and runs along the shore of Lake Champlain. The trails are pleasant walking paths near the lake. A treehouse accessible to people with disabilities is a highlight of this park. Many of the paths are also paved for accessible recreation. To learn more about accessible outdoor activities for people of all abilities, click over to this post I wrote.

Oakledge accessible treehouse

Day Hikes in Northern Vermont:

The Micro Parks

These parks are smaller areas with quite short day hikes in Northern Vermont. However, they are listed because of their unique scenic character. You can combine a couple of the parks for a perfect afternoon of exploring.

Salmon Hole

Salmon Hole below the Winooski dam is an angler’s paradise in the summer providing a habitat for trout, salmon, bass and other species. The trail descends into the ravine for a pleasant half mile walk along the river. Climbing on the ledges in the river is a fun adventure.

Salmon Hole

Parking is at the Salmon Hole overlook area. This is a good park to combine with the Winooski Gorge Overlook as they are close to one another.

Winooski Gorge Overlook

This micro park is all of 11 acres mostly composed of a view over the gorge at the Lime Kiln bridge. But if you take the Overview trail and continue on fainter paths downhill you will get to the river for a different perspective of the limestone bluffs of the Winooski Gorge.

day hikes in Northern Vermont Winooski Gorge
Winooski Gorge from river level

Mount Calvary Red Maple Wetland

Mount Calvary is a 12 acre park nestled behind a cemetery in the New North End of Burlington. A unique ecological combination of dry soil loving trees and swampy lowlands, Mount Calvary holds the remnant plants of old blueberry farms. For this reason, a visit in the late summer is in order.

Mayes Landing

Mayes Landing defines the idea of a micro park with its one acre base for recreating. But for fishing and bird watching it can’t be beat. There are no trails but the view of where the Winooski River joins Lake Champlain is superb. There’s no on-site parking so park on North Avenue and walk down the bike path to the Winooski Bike Bridge and you’ll find it. Cross the bridge to continue on to Delta Park for a two-fer park experience.

Winooski Bike Bridge from Mayes Landing

Day Hikes in Northern Vermont Wrap-Up

It’s truly amazing how many natural areas are a short drive from downtown Burlington. When getting outside is important for many people to get some exercise and see the world in a new way, the day hikes mentioned here are an oasis of wonder. I intentionally left out the popular Burlington hikes such as Lone Rock Point and Red Rocks. Instead I focused on the smaller, less visited areas for day hikes in Northern Vermont.

Leased dogs are welcome in these parks. Kids can run off some steam and enjoy a close encounter with nature in any of the areas. (Although I might not take them to the hillside at “Macabre Farm”).

I’ve spent six decades taking thousands of trips into the outdoors. I’ve never done a month straight of micro pocket adventures within 10 miles of one area. Over 25 hikes gave me a profound experience of place-based learning. I’ve seen more beaver felled trees than you can shake a beaver peeled stick at. I’ve watched the many moods of the Winooski River and Lake Champlain. Mostly though, I went out with few expectations but always returned with the reward of a precious surprise of nature.

Day Hikes in Northern Vermont-beaver sign
Beaver work

I consider my backyard wilderness hikes a gift. It’s been a time to slow down and learn the lessons available right outside my doorstep. And these day hikes in Northern Vermont, like the pandemic, remind me the words of Pema Chodron. “Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.”

I believe we need to know the restorative power of nature.

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Check out this post in Vermont Sports Magazine

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roshni · April 15, 2020 at 3:34 pm

These hikes look like a great way to stay local and there are enough to keep you busy for awhile!

    Karen · April 16, 2020 at 11:43 am

    Yes, They did keep me busy. I loved finding a new place everyday. Nature is so healing.

Zarina · April 16, 2020 at 2:45 am

Wow, how amazing you can go on these amazing walks during these strange times. It sounds like you’re very sensible still though, hope you stay well and healthy! I’ve never seen a beaver in the wild, how fantastic! And I loved that view of that bridge over Lake Champlain, and not to forget that brilliant sign warning for the troll! Keep enjoying your walks and stay healthy and well! x

    Karen · April 16, 2020 at 11:47 am

    There were so many fun surprises on my hikes. It’s rare to see a beaver in the wild as they are quite shy. They are crepuscular—(I love that word) which means they come out at twilight and at dawn.
    Best health to you too.

Jacquie · April 17, 2020 at 4:37 am

There are so many beautiful hikes. My kids would love the La Platte Nature hike with the Trolls!

    Karen · April 19, 2020 at 10:38 am

    That hike is definitely kid friendly. The troll in the tree is amazing.

Anna Hammerschmidt · April 17, 2020 at 10:30 am

These day hikes look so pretty! I have been wanting to visit Vermont for years. When all this is over, I hope to plan a trip here. Thanks for sharing

    Karen · April 19, 2020 at 10:39 am

    Vermont is beautiful in all seasons. If you visit, check out some of my other posts on it.

Emma · April 17, 2020 at 9:44 pm

I can’t believe how many beautiful hikes there are in this area! I love hiking, but unfortunately I don’t have too many trails near me to explore during this time. I’ll definitely be adding Northern Vermont to my bucket list to explore some of these trails for once this is over though!

    Karen · April 19, 2020 at 10:40 am

    These are just the hikes 10 miles or so from Burlington. There are so many beautiful hikes in Vermont. This is a small sampling.

Dawn · April 17, 2020 at 10:02 pm

Wow, this is really a great way to get yourself busy and relaxed during this difficult times. I am obsessed with natural parks so will definitely head there someday, I hope.

    Karen · April 19, 2020 at 10:41 am

    These areas were a wonderful way to see the nature of the area. So much to see!

Taylor · April 17, 2020 at 10:50 pm

These hikes look awesome! I’ve only been to Mount Snow in Southern Vermont, but I need to make my way north to Burlington and Woodstock! I’m definitely keeping this guide handy. 🙂

    Karen · April 19, 2020 at 10:42 am

    While the area around Mt. Snow is fabulous, hikes in Northern Vermont are incredible too. Woodstock is a lovely town with great cross country skiing in the winter and hiking other times.

Erinn · April 17, 2020 at 10:59 pm

These are great ideas! I have definitely been making heavy use of the trails around my town too. It’s a good way to stay sane!

    Karen · April 19, 2020 at 10:43 am

    This hiking project has been my sanity for sure. I’m glad you have trails near you.

madhu sharma · April 17, 2020 at 11:55 pm

Wow those hikes look really great and lot of fun ..I am craving to resume my travel once all this is over

    Karen · April 19, 2020 at 10:44 am

    I’m craving new travel too but also happy to find natural beauty in my own backyard.

Jen · April 17, 2020 at 11:55 pm

Love this! Hiking is definitely one of my favorite ways to pass time right now. I never knew there were so many beautiful hikes in Vermont, thanks for sharing! 😁

    Karen · April 19, 2020 at 10:45 am

    Yes, come to Vermont and you will be impressed by the hiking available.

Sandra // BlueMarble Vagabonds · April 18, 2020 at 4:52 am

Well, I should be in Vermont and around there in May but of course, we had to cancel our trip 🙁 I still keep my fingers crossed that we’ll be able to visit later this year!

    Karen · April 19, 2020 at 10:46 am

    I sure hope you will be able to visit Vermont this year. There is so much to see and do. Fingers crossed for you.

Margarida Vasconcelos · April 18, 2020 at 9:48 am

Aren’t you lucky to be surrounded by nature during these difficult times?! Wonderful hiking options, thank you so much for sharing.

    Karen · April 19, 2020 at 10:50 am

    I feel very fortunate to be surrounded by so many hiking areas.

Alexandra Booze · April 18, 2020 at 1:23 pm

What a timely post! I think it’s so important these days to get outside (if possible) to get fresh air and have time to think and relax. Thanks for the tips!

    Karen · April 19, 2020 at 10:51 am

    Getting outside is so important now. And it’s always important I think, especially getting kids outside to start a new generation of nature lovers.

Rhonda · April 18, 2020 at 4:35 pm

I haven’t been to Vermont in years. Thanks for reminding me how beautiful it is. I love your hiking rules at the start of this post.

    Karen · April 19, 2020 at 10:49 am

    The rules were my way of being a responsible hiker in these times. Perhaps a visit to Vermont is in your future (-;

Rebecca · April 18, 2020 at 5:09 pm

You’re lucky to have so many great hiking options nearby! What a great way to escape. How quirky is that troll!! 🙂

    Karen · April 19, 2020 at 10:48 am

    I always get a chuckle just thinking about that troll on a hike. It’s sure a showstopper.

Linnea · April 18, 2020 at 11:03 pm

Such a great hiking option! I haven’t been to Vermont yet, but I would love to!

    Karen · April 19, 2020 at 10:47 am

    You would love Vermont–the natural areas and people are wonderful.

Krystianna · April 19, 2020 at 3:09 pm

Excellent post! I actually grew up in southern Vermont & I have to agree that there are some amazing hikes here. The views are always amazing!

    Karen · May 10, 2020 at 9:01 pm

    I’m sure you enjoyed many great hikes in southern Vermont. The whole state is beautiful.

Tranquil Trekker · April 20, 2020 at 11:51 am

These sound like fun. I bet they’d be extra beautiful in the fall when the leaves are at their peak color!

Josy A · April 20, 2020 at 2:44 pm

Oooh Karen you lucky thing! You have soooo many nice options nearby! I would love to be able to get back out, but all the trailheads near us seem to be closed. I think we could find some possible walks further away, but I feel too guilty to do that as everyone else wants to be out too. 🙁

I love how fund some of these are. The trolls at LaPlatte Nature Park are awesome and that ice-block at the Donahue Sea Caves is really cool (literally!)

Tara · April 21, 2020 at 4:23 pm

I love reading this! Many of your hikes are some of my old haunts from when I was young – Colchester Pond, the Intervale, the Ethan Allen Homestead, and Oakledge, but some of the places you mention I’ve never even heard of and can’t wait to check out when things are safe again. I have never heard of Sunny Hollow or Laplatte Nature Park. The Burlington area is such a mecca for outdoor adventures!

Katja (Tanlines & Tempeh) · April 22, 2020 at 1:24 pm

Thumbs up for your hiking rules and love the troll haha 😀

Ashley · April 22, 2020 at 1:59 pm

That photo of the tree in Memorial Park is incredible! Totally looks like a face!
This post made me want to explore Vermont; I’ve never been.

Coni · April 22, 2020 at 2:22 pm

Love these hikes! The places look so beautiful. I didn’t know much about Vermont, but it looks incredible for those of us who love the outdoors 🙂

Francesca · April 23, 2020 at 12:15 pm

I have been to Vermont once and would love to go back and do some of these hikes. The Centennial Woods and the Winooski Gorge Overlook look like my kind of hikes! It is great that there are so many hikes in Burlington.

Tiana Bantis · April 23, 2020 at 10:50 pm

Wow so many great hikes, makes me wish I lived closer to mountains!

World of Lina · April 25, 2020 at 10:35 am

So many great hikes in such a beautiful nature!

Katja | placesandnotes · April 25, 2020 at 11:49 am

Oh wow, for someone who lives in a city right now, this looks like a taste of freedom! I´ve never been to Vermont and don´t know much about it to be honest, but from this post, I´m thinking I would definitely like it as I love nature & outdoors. Thanks for sharing this inspirational post 🙂

    Karen · May 10, 2020 at 9:00 pm

    Vermont is a lovely state with great natural beauty and friendly people.

kesi irvin · April 25, 2020 at 12:06 pm

you must be staying in shape during this time with all those hikes!

    Karen · May 10, 2020 at 8:59 pm

    It has kept me busy. It’s been a good alternative to the gym.

Riley (The National Parks Expert) · April 28, 2020 at 7:06 pm

I can’t wait to explore New England further. So many wonderful hikes to add to the list!

    Karen · May 10, 2020 at 8:58 pm

    While there aren’t many National Parks in New England, there is much natural beauty.

Amelia Tarren · May 28, 2020 at 11:19 pm

Definitely shows how nearby wilderness is often overlooked though equally meaningful and certainly there exist many secret gems just minutes from home. I loved each of these places and particularly the palimpsest of urban and wild interface layers appearing and vanishing at different angles, for example the bridges and painted pillars at the Winooski Gorge while winding along Alaskan wilderness worthy evergreen corridors! Such a delightful post! I feel as a local Vermonter like you helped me find my sense of place!

Kelly · June 17, 2020 at 8:15 pm

you are lucky to have so many fantastic trails near you. All of ours were closed and just opened a couple weeks ago. I have the same rules as you. I avoid all stores whenever possible.

    Karen · June 18, 2020 at 11:12 am

    We were lucky to have our trails open with good warnings posted about social distancing. It worked well for people to get outside.

Amber · June 18, 2020 at 1:14 am

Vermont looks surprisingly beautiful! A great way to stay fit and experience the outdoors.

    Karen · June 18, 2020 at 11:11 am

    Vermont has so many beautiful areas throughout the whole state. You’ll have to visit one day.

Jessica Pascoe · June 18, 2020 at 2:28 am

You’re so lucky to have such great hiking trails nearby you for these challenging times. Australia is quite spacious but we still have to drive to nearby hiking trails.

    Karen · June 18, 2020 at 11:08 am

    It is an advantage in these times to have trails nearby. oh, and Australia is so beautiful.

Tiana Bantis · June 18, 2020 at 11:43 pm

wow so many great hikes! This is the perfect inspo for a summer road trip!

    Karen · July 12, 2020 at 10:08 am

    Road trips are definitely the thing this summer. See my post on the Lake Champlain Islands for a great road tripping idea in Vermont.

Hazel · June 20, 2020 at 1:14 am

Hi Karen! I’m glad you’re enjoying the outdoors despite the pandemic. And you’re practicing some rules/guidelines upon yourself to help contain the spread. Kudos to you for being a responsible hiker! I hope we have such beautiful places nearby my place where i can do some day hike. But seeing these wonderful photos is enough for me now. Love the tree hugging one!

    Karen · July 12, 2020 at 10:09 am

    That tree-hugging one is a favorite of mine. My daughter loved that tree.

Loise · July 12, 2020 at 3:25 am

Wow, it’s nice that you can get some hikes! And I love how you set your own rules to still preserve the social distancing at this time of pandemic. Such a great post and informative 🙂

    Karen · July 12, 2020 at 10:10 am

    Thank you. The rules helped me feel safe hiking and also keep others safe. We are a community in the outdoors responsible for each other.

kmf · July 12, 2020 at 11:09 am

Love this post! I’m all about day hikes and lived in Vermont for five years. I’m overdue for a visit so pinning this as a resource!

Melissa · July 12, 2020 at 9:36 pm

So pretty! I am doing much of the same, hiking and exploring the outdoors. I have been wanting to go to Burlington, so I will have to add some of these hikes to the list when I am finally able t0 visit. Now is certainly a great time to be outdoors, love your rules for hiking and mine are pretty similar.

    Karen · July 14, 2020 at 10:08 am

    Going local and traveling responsibly is a great trend. Enjoy being out.

Patrice · July 13, 2020 at 3:13 am

So many wonderful ideas for a hike and so much natural beauty. I can’t wait to try one of these the next time I’m in Vermont!

May Durkee · July 13, 2020 at 1:44 pm

I love hiking and I haven’t been to Vermont just yet. This guide is super complete and I hope to be using soon, such an inspiration for a road trip this year 🙂

    Karen · July 14, 2020 at 10:07 am

    Vermont is really a state to love. So much beauty and gorgeous hiking. Hope you get a chance to visit sometime.

Kelly · July 28, 2020 at 11:47 am

These are amazing hikes that you went on. Vermont is on my list of places to visit one day, so I will have to check some of these out!

Renata · August 1, 2020 at 6:40 am

Funny: I was interested in visiting New England before I was interested in visiting….the US as such. However, until now, I haven’t made it there. I think it’s for weather reasons….being based in the north, I tend to explore the south. Anyway, you just put together 25 reasons for finally visiting 😀

Sarah · March 24, 2021 at 1:56 pm

What a great list! I’m doing the same thing for my own local area. Isn’t it wonderful there are this many trails in such a small radius? If only we could all be so lucky!

Susan · March 24, 2021 at 2:10 pm

What an awesome roundup of hikes in Vermont. And some good advice for getting outdoors safely in our COVID environment.

Shelley · March 24, 2021 at 3:10 pm

seeing all these pretty photos really makes it clear i have *not* explored new england enough! i saved & pinned this blog for my next NYC trip (i got for biz a lot)… but these hikes have motivated me to take a few days out in nature after being in the city.

Erin from Pina Travels · March 24, 2021 at 4:53 pm

I’m a big hiker and I did not at all realize how many natural areas are such a short drive from downtown Burlington! I live in Ontario, which is actually pretty close to Northern Vermont, so I’ve always wanted to do a road trip there. Thanks for this great inspo, I’m pinning this for when I can make the trip.

Gabby · March 25, 2021 at 2:14 pm

I love hiking and Vermont looks beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

Sharyn · May 5, 2021 at 10:49 pm

Wow, what great hikes to undertake – where to start!

Julia · May 6, 2021 at 7:30 am

I’ve been looking at all of the outdoor adventures in Vermont for a possible fall trip… and it’s awesome to find such a great list of hikes near Burlington. It’s such a cute city!

    Karen · May 9, 2021 at 9:32 pm

    I hope you get a chance to try some of these out.

Ashlee Fechino · May 7, 2021 at 7:25 am

Great article! We have done the same – day hikes close to home during the pandemic. I thought your photo with the “troll bridge” sign was really cute. What a neat area to explore. Vermont is beautiful.

    Karen · May 9, 2021 at 9:32 pm

    Yes, that troll and troll bridge is quite entertaining.

Monica · May 7, 2021 at 8:36 pm

What a comprehensive post. The tree hugging photo is my favorite followed by the frozen waterfalls. Saving this in case I ever make it there.

    Karen · May 9, 2021 at 9:31 pm

    I too love the tree-hugging photo. It was such a massive tree with great hugging potential.

Scenic Fall Foliage Trips in USA | a speck in time · October 6, 2020 at 3:14 am

[…] If you ask me, there is no better place in Vermont for fall foliage than the Northeast Kingdom. The NEK, as it’s called locally, is located in the northeast part of Vermont bordered by Canada to the north and New Hampshire to the east. As an outdoor adventurer, I find hiking and biking in this area yields the best interactions with the reds, oranges, and yellows of the NEK forests. Lake Willoughby and Mount Burke are my favorite places to find fall splendor in the Northeast Kingdom. Burke Mountain area is only about 40 minutes away from St Johnsbury via highway 2 that passes through quaint backroads. Burke Mountain area offers many hiking and biking trails. The Kingdom Trails are a mountain biker’s mecca with trails for all ability levels. A $15 day-pass gives access to 100+ miles of multiuse trails with incredible local scenery. I also like to drive the toll road to the top of Burke Mountain and hike the trails on the summit for foliage views. I climbed the fire tower on the mountain for a 360 panoramic view of the surrounding area in flames of fall colors. Finally, when I have my fill of outdoor adventure, the charming town of East Burke is fun to explore. The Lake Willoughby is about 20 miles from Mount Burke. My favorite hike here is Mount Pisgah, a striking rock face carved by the glacier that created Lake Willoughby. The two-mile hike to the top is steep but the views from the lookouts make it all worthwhile. Looking down on the fjord-like lake and the colors scattered over the mountains as far away as Canada is stunning. If you prefer to enjoy the fall season with hiking, I will suggest these hikes in Northern Vermont. […]

30 of the Best Cities to Visit in the USA - KarsTravels · April 21, 2022 at 3:02 pm

[…] alongside the lake to visit several beaches and parks. Outdoor enthusiasts will love the many local hiking trails there are to explore. In the fall, the foliage here will stun you with its […]

4 Outdoor Adventures in Stowe, Vermont You Will Love · May 12, 2024 at 12:49 pm

[…] Day Hikes in Northern Vermont […]

20 Best Outdoor Family Adventure Vacation Destinations in the USA · May 25, 2024 at 3:05 am

[…] Hiking trails abound in Burlington for all abilities. Explore the Intervale trails near the Winooski River or venture to Lone Rock Point for unequaled views across Lake Champlain. […]

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